Парис 2024 олимпын наадмын сонгомол бөхийн хамгийн хүнд жин болох 130кг жинд аваргын алтан медалийн төлөө олимпын дөрөв, дэлхийн таван удаагийн аварга Кубын домогт М.Лопез болон дэлхийн аваргын хүрэл медальт Чилийн Я.Акоста нар тунан үлдээд байна.
М.Лопезийн хувьд финалд шалгарснаар олимпын нэг төрөлд таван алтан медаль хүртсэн спортын аль ч төрөлд байхгүй анхны тамирчин болох түүхэн нэг барилдаан үлдээд байна. Өдгөө 41 настай М.Лопез финалын барилдаанд өөрийн нутаг нэгт Я.Акостатай барилдахаар тунаад байна. Я.Акоста нь Куба гаралтай ч 2017 оноос Чилийн улсын нэр дээрээс барилдаж буй өдгөө 36 настай тамирчин юм. М.Лопезийн үл тасрах ялалтууд Я.Акостад өөр улсын нэр дээрээс барилдахаас өөр сонголт өгөөгүй нь мэдээж хэрэг. Чилийн нэр дээрээс барилдах болсон тэрхүү сонголт нь ч буруу байгаагүйг баталж ийнхүү олимпын наадмын шигшээд шалгараад байна.
М.Лопез: "Энэ үнэхээр онцгой үдэш байх болно. Кубын хоёр тамирчны шигшээ барилдаан гээд та бүхэн төсөөлөөд үздээ. Энэ нь бүх хүнд таалагдах нь дамжиггүй, ялангуяа Куба дахь ах дүү нарт маань хамгийн ихээр таалагдана гэж бодож байна" хэмээн сэтгүүлчдэд ярьсан байна.
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ARE YOU LOOKING FOR EXPERT HACKER TO HELP YOU TRACE OR RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS CONTACT GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. Numerous people have reported about how they were able to retrieve their cryptocurrency with the aid of GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. They are among the top cyber hackers in the business thanks to their extraordinary abilities and intelligence. With their knowledge of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin recovery, they have helped many people get their money back. I made a pledge to let everyone know about their service. I was scammed over $570,000 to a fack platform for cryptocurrencies. I went to several websites and read a lot of testimonials and reviews on GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. I chose to try them voluntarily, and it was the best choice I’ve ever made. I consider myself really lucky to have found the proper team; without them, I don't know what may have happened to me. I believe that someone out there will need his great services that is why I am referring him to someone out there. I have already recommended their services to a friend at work, confident in their ability to deliver results with integrity. Reach out to Crypto Expert Hackers to recover your lost funds. For further assistance, talk with a representative through the details below. Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR EXPERT HACKER TO HELP YOU TRACE OR RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS CONTACT GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. Numerous people have reported about how they were able to retrieve their cryptocurrency with the aid of GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. They are among the top cyber hackers in the business thanks to their extraordinary abilities and intelligence. With their knowledge of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin recovery, they have helped many people get their money back. I made a pledge to let everyone know about their service. I was scammed over $570,000 to a fack platform for cryptocurrencies. I went to several websites and read a lot of testimonials and reviews on GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER. I chose to try them voluntarily, and it was the best choice I’ve ever made. I consider myself really lucky to have found the proper team; without them, I don't know what may have happened to me. I believe that someone out there will need his great services that is why I am referring him to someone out there. I have already recommended their services to a friend at work, confident in their ability to deliver results with integrity. Reach out to Crypto Expert Hackers to recover your lost funds. For further assistance, talk with a representative through the details below. Email: geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack